I help people & organizations...

Hi, I'm Krys.
I teach people how to find work.
get work.
make work special.
thrive at work.
keep work.
Professional development workshops.
Science and evidence-based.
2hrs (up to full-day, your choice).
Metrics and measured outcomes.
Practical techniques.
Hands-on activities.
Book your introductory consultation today.
Get the ball rolling and just come as you are. You don't have to prepare or even know exactly what you want or need. I guide you through identifying outcomes, goals, assessing needs of your teams, and next steps.
On-site, virtual, or hybrid.
I survived both a stranger abduction and a hostage situation during childhood. These, among many other impactful experiences, left me challenged by and also curious about people, power, perceptions, and purpose.
With this curiosity always looming, I gravitated toward trainings, certifications, and degrees that would help me better understand life & people, both at home & at work. That same curiosity even influenced my approach to my 20+ year career as a workforce professional, diversity officer, and career educator.
I focus on more than just technical skills, but on fostering a diverse, productive, and healthy workforce for hundreds of organizations. I turn what feels nebulous and unstructured about work into manageable processes and formulaic approaches that are proven to get results.
Through hands-on activities based on science and evidence, I share the most powerful and undiluted techniques that are often overlooked, but are the areas of greatest gains (including stress management, purpose, trauma, belonging, and supercharged work basics).
The culmination is clear, simple, step-by-step action plans for the most potent work experience you've ever had!
You desperately want to build or be a part of a healthy, productive team and experience work in positive and satisfying ways. While work is a big part of our lives, most of us struggle at it from time to time.
We are often troubled with identifying what fulfills us, or actualizing that fulfillment. We are challenged with workplace people and their personalities, for sure. We may struggle to be mentally, physically, or emotionally present at work (home, too). We try and try to achieve that elusive work-life balance. We may feel like we're missing the mark, not measuring up, or just plain failing. We feel overlooked, overloaded, underappreciated, misunderstood, and burnt out. We don't like how we are treated or perceived at work.
We usually don't know where to go for help - or that help exists. In fact, help with work does exist!
There is an entire profession devoted to understanding, studying, improving, and teaching WORK. It's hidden, but right under our noses all along. These "work experts" who help us with work are called many things such as workforce development professionals, executive coaches, career educators, career advisors, career consultants, & career coaches.
A good "work expert" has resources, techniques, skills, and knowledge to share with YOU; and the knowledge is plentiful, accessible, practical, effective, and highly beneficial to you.
When you look around and see people winning at work or succeeding professionally in BIG ways...it's often because they know about & use work experts! Now it's your turn!
my qualifications
Trauma-Informed Care, certified
Mental Health First Aid, certified
Critical Incident Stress Management, certified
CPR/Basic Life Support, certified instructor
Ivy Tech
University of Indianapolis
Indiana University Purdue University (IUPUI)
IU School of Medicine
Alworth, L., Ardayfio, K., Blickman, A., Greenhill, L., Hill, W., Sharp, P., Talmage, R.. “Diversity in Laboratory Animal Science: Issues and Initiatives.” Journal of the American Association of Laboratory Animal Science 49.2 (March 2010): 138-46.
Trained a PTSD Medical Service Animal
Master Gardener
MIT Sloan School of Management, Associate Director of Career Education
Director, Workforce Development (Career Services & Apprenticeships) & DEI Lead
Director, Multicultural Affairs
District Business Manager & Manager of Workforce & Business Resource Center
PhD (candidate)
Research area: trauma
Indiana State University
University of Indianapolis
Project Management Certificate
Indiana University Purdue University
Bachelor of Liberal Arts in Extension Studies, cum laude
Harvard University
Krys Ardayfio, MBA
Krys Ardayfio Consulting | Carmel, IN
Krys@KrysArdayfio.com | KArdayfio@post.harvard.edu | (317)702-2268
© 2022 by Krys Ardayfio Consulting Photography: Alisha White