Build Your Own
Customize: ​
Choose from areas of expertise:​
Bias & Privilege
Amazing Assets of Gender
From Victim to Victor: the art and science of overcoming
Culture Shift and "Culture Smoothing"
Strategic Plans
Relationship Building and Communication
Recruitment, Retention, and Development
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Strategic Marketing & Strategy Planning
Project Management & Operations Strategy
Leadership Development
Individual Academic/Professional/Personal Plans
Adults in Career Transition
UNBELIEVABLE Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) experiences for kids...and kids at heart
And more, just ask
team & individual effectiveness
innovative, cutting edge, and novel
visual cues and experiential learning
promote behaviors that drive success
Already Built For You
Tried and True - Ready Built Featured Workshops
Master the Physiology of Power in 120 seconds
Accentuate Your Biological Markers of Success
It’s What You Say: Ruling Male/Female Speech Patterns
It’s How You Say It: Voice Alterations for Better Outcomes
Break the Biology of Chronic Lateness
Build Grit
Proactive Bias Busting
Grow Delayed Gratification
From Victim to Victor: the art and science of overcoming
The Poverty Experience
The Compassion Project​​
Adults in Career Transition
Learning to "Adult"
(for ages 14 to 21)
Coolest Healthcare Careers You Never Thought of
(for ages 14 to 21)